Make Your Contribution To The New Start Scholarship Fund!
Your tax-deductible donation to The New Start Scholarship Fund helps us train at-risk Youth and other Community Members in Tire Installation and Repair giving them a New Start in Life.
Pay It Forward
​What You Give Keeps On Giving!
New Start Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were provided for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.
Donation Process Made Easy!

Donate Your Real Estate For A Federal Charitable Tax Deduction
Easy and straightforward process
Save time, money and energy managing unwanted property
Support humanitarian projects with your donation
Reduce or eliminate your capital gains tax liability
Donating Real Estate To Help Others Brings Beneficial Rewards
Receive the rewards of donating a house, land or other property. Fill out the short form below and we will contact you to help determine if donating is the right option for you.

Why Donate Real Estate?
First, what you give helps improve the quality of life on our Planet. Your donations assist in building human beings, making safer environments and creating new opportunities for everyone. Besides helping the others with your donation, you also receive great benefits from the IRS. Donating real estate is far more common than you might imagine, and for good reason. Imagine if someone inherits a house that they don’t want, invested in real estate that isn't selling quick enough or have a property that they need to let go for financial issues. You may be ready to put your home up for sell but you face significant capital gains tax. This is the time when you may want to consider the option of donating your property to a 501 (c)(3) non-profit. New Start Foundation, has produced a simple streamlined process that makes donating real estate easy. When accepting donations from individuals and corporations donors receive a tax-deductible receipt denoting the full appraised value of the donated property. Your donation will also remove a large taxable asset from your estate's tax portfolio and free you from property maintenance, contracts and the many hassles of selling a house under the typical real estate transaction. Furthermore, your donation would go a long way in helping to eliminate suffering and magnifying life on our Planet!